Jamaican Herbs and Spices - Sarsaparilla Root
Jamaican Sarsaparilla Root

Sarsaparilla, more formally known as Similaxornata or Similaxofficinale, is native to the island of Jamaica. The plant is popular in Jamaica and is often used to in medicinal applications. Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and kidney disease; for increasing urination to reduce fluid retention; and for increasing sweating. Sarsaparilla is also used along with conventional drugs for treating leprosy and for syphilis. It is most popularly used in Jamiaca today as a base for tonic drinks, that are believed to not only serve as an aphrodisiac but also as a way to increase sexual stamina and libido. Athletes sometimes use sarsaparilla as a steroid for performance enhancement or bodybuilding. In manufacturing, sarsaparilla is used as a flavoring agent in foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.
Other Names
Sarsaparilla is known around the world by various names, such as: Ecuadorian Sarsaparilla, Honduras Sarsaparilla, Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Liseron Épineux, Liseron Piquant, Mexican Sarsaparilla, Salsaparilha, Salsepareille, Salsepareille d’Europe, Salsepareille du Honduras, Salsepareille du Mexique, Sarsa, Sarsaparillae Radix, Sarsaparillewurzel, Smilax, Smilax Aristolochaefolia, Smilax Aristolochiaefolii, Smilax aristolochiifolia, Smilax china, Smilax febrifuga, Smilax medica, Smilax officinalis, Smilax ornate, Smilax regelii, Zarzaparrilla.
Industry Uses
Sarsaparilla Roots is used primarily in the pharmaceutical and food industry. The ingredients found in Sarsaparilla Roots are used in beverages as well as to treat medical conditions such as syphilis and other skin diseases.
Constituents and Characteristics
Sarsaparilla Root is classified as a rhizome, with prickly stems that can run up to 15 feets. On average, Sarsaparilla Root can take up to two to three years to reach full maturity. Harvested roots are carefully dug up, washed, dried and tied up in more manageable bundles.